design studio // Adaptive Strukturen Adaptive Strukturen Bambus (2) LVA 253.M94 kleines Entwerfen S25 5.0 ECTS Betreuung: Daniel Schürr Es wird empfohlen das Entwerfen gemeinsam mit dem Modul Experimenteller Hochbau zu besuchen. Dieses Entwerfen stellt thematisch eine… design studio // Adaptive Strukturen
design studio // transit transit LVA 253.M95 Entwerfen S25 10.0 ECTS Betreuung: San-Hwan Lu Österreich ist ein Bahnland: Österreicher legen mit 832 km pro Person mehr Bahnkilometer zurück als jede andere EU-Nation. Bei Schienenfahrzeugen und den… design studio // transit
design studio // ORBITAL SHIFT ORBITAL SHIFT: Adaptive Architecture in Space LVA 253.N02 Entwerfen S25 10.0 ECTS Teaching: Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger Guest Lecturers: Marina Konstantatou (Foster and Partners, Space Engineering), David Nixon (Space Architect), Peter Schattschneider (Physicist and… design studio // ORBITAL SHIFT
design studio // _pa.nta/rhei/+ _pa.nta/rhei/+ LVA 253.N01 Entwerfen S25 10.0 ECTS Betreuung: Patrick Krähenbühl Die Gesellschaft befindet sich in einem rasch voranschreitenden Wandel, ökologischer, ökonomischer, kultureller und sozio-politischer Natur. Nichts ist bekanntlich so beständig wie der… design studio // _pa.nta/rhei/+
design studio // 1:1 Up-cycling Preconsumer Waste 1:1 Up-cycling Preconsumer Waste LVA 253.M63integratives EntwerfenS2515.0 ECTS Betreuung: Duks Koschitz, Michael Wildmann Bewerbungen: Portfolio in PDF/max. 20 MB (per Mail an bis 24.02.25 Dieses Entwerfen findet in Zusammenarbeit mit Hochbau… design studio // 1:1 Up-cycling Preconsumer Waste
design studio // foreigners everywhere foreigners everywhere from an architectural perspective LVA 253.L99 integratives Entwerfen W24 15.0 ECTS Betreuung: Gastprofessorin Myrto Vitart (Ibos&Vitart), Markus Planteu The studio is in line with the Venice Biennale of Art 2024,… design studio // foreigners everywhere
design studio // ANARCHITEKTUR ANARCHITEKTUR LVA 253.M21 Entwerfen W24 10.0 ECTS Betreuung: Christoph Pichler Die Verwendung bestehender Strukturen ist zu Recht ein Gebot unserer Zeit. ArchitektInnen sind wieder einmal VorreiterInnen einer notwendigen Entwicklung. Doch sind wir… design studio // ANARCHITEKTUR
design studio // adaptive structures adaptive structures Bamboo LVA 253.M24 Entwerfen W24 5.0 ECTS Teaching: Daniel Schürr Building with bamboo – Against the backdrop of dwindling resources, bamboo has (again) become an interesting raw material… design studio // adaptive structures
design studio // Up-cycling Industrial Waste Up-cycling Industrial Waste LVA 253.M34 Entwerfen W24 10.0 ECTS Betreuung: Duks Koschitz Gäste: Klara Mundilova (A) Surface structures with mechanical and adhesive connections If we want to consider the grey energy content… design studio // Up-cycling Industrial Waste
Design Studio // LuftBar LuftBar LVA 253.L58 kleines Entwerfen SoSe 24 5.0 ECTS Supervision: Patrick Krähenbühl, Prof. Dietmar Feichtinger Registration until Tuesday 09.04 via TISS KickOff Thursday 11.04 14h00 at Luftpavillon Hof 2 Karlsplatz A pavilion… Design Studio // LuftBar
design studio // Hilberts Hotel Hilberts Hotel – a daily pleasure infrastructure LVA 253.L34 Design Studio SoSe 24 10.0 ECTS Supervision: Silke Fischer A hotel with an infinite number of rooms is occupied. An additional guest arrives… design studio // Hilberts Hotel
design studio // WIE VIEL ERDE BRAUCHT DER MENSCH? WIE VIEL ERDE BRAUCHT DER MENSCH?* LVA 253.L28 Design SoSe 24 10.0 ECTS Supervision: Susanne Zottl and Norbert Steiner from the very far to the very close From the inside to the… design studio // WIE VIEL ERDE BRAUCHT DER MENSCH?
design studio // Platform Lammtrakt Platform Lammtrakt – University must breathe LVA 253.L02 small design summer semester 24 5.0 ECTS Supervision: Michael Seidel Design and construction of an accessible open-air platform for installation on the courtyard façade… design studio // Platform Lammtrakt
design studio // versatile space(s) versatile space(s) … logical space(s) LVA 253.L37 Design Studio SS 24 10.0 ECTS Supervision: Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger, Peter Bauer, Marilies Wedl The Versatile Space(s) design series is dedicated to the experimental development and… design studio // versatile space(s)
design studio // lightweight skin + bamboo Lightweight skin – constructing with bamboo LVA 253.L43 Design Studio SoSe 24 10.0 ECTS Supervision: Daniel Schürr light, flexible, scalable, customisable, transportable, transparent, translucent, opaque, etc. The series of keywords could be… design studio // lightweight skin + bamboo
design studio // School of Barricades School of Barricades – an architecture of emancipation LVA 253.L30 Integratives Entwerfen SoSe 24 15.0 ECTS Supervision: Visiting Professorship Yves Moreau, Gilles Delalex, Quentin Moranne (Studio Muoto) The objective of this studio… design studio // School of Barricades
design studio // Wachsende Stadt Growing city LVA 253.L44 Design SS 24 10.0 ECTS Supervision: Michael Wildmann Vienna is experiencing a continuous growth process that is accompanied by challenges such as overheating, scarcity of space, water management… design studio // Wachsende Stadt
Design Studio // Highline+ ft. Klubkultur 253.k39 Entwerfen // 10.0 ECTS // WS 2023 Betreuung: Friedel Winkler The ‘Vienna Highline’, in the Spittelau area and continuing along Heiligenstätterstraße, has been discussed in the media for years. The Danube… Design Studio // Highline+ ft. Klubkultur
Design Studio // THE THEATER WITHIN 253.k66 Entwerfen // 10.0 ECTS // WS 2023 STUDIO MUOTO // Yves Moreau / Gilles Delalex / Quentin Moranne The aim of the studio is to engage the students in a reflection… Design Studio // THE THEATER WITHIN
Design Studio // ACID+ 253.k34/253.k20 kleines Entwerfen // 5.0 ECTS // WS 2023 Betreuung: San-Hwan Lu The course consists of two complementary parts. In a lecture-discursive part, the architectural design parameters as well as the functional… Design Studio // ACID+
Design Studio // Constructive models – bamboo 253.k32 Entwerfen // 5.0 ECTS // WS 2023 Construction with bamboo – Against the background of dwindling resources, bamboo has (again) become an interesting raw material for construction in recent years. With… Design Studio // Constructive models – bamboo
design studio // Evolving Versatile Space (s) 253.k28 Entwerfen // 10.0 ECTS// WS 2023 “You think philosophy is a difficult business, but I can tell you: compared to the difficulties involved in architecture, it’s nothing at all.” Ludwig Wittgenstein… design studio // Evolving Versatile Space (s)
Design Studio // REPAIR+SHARE 253.k40 Entwerfen // 10.0 ECTS // WS 2023 Betreuung: Christine Horner Modular repair and exchange point for everyday and residential objects. Design of a publicly accessible, walkable weather shelter placed in the… Design Studio // REPAIR+SHARE
design studio// pavilion pavilion Project Pavilion – VERSATILE SPACES design studio, SS2023, TU Vienna, HB2 & ITI “Creative with resources: TU students build a pavilion from old blinds” INSTAGRAM Follow us on… design studio// pavilion
design studio // archXchange archXchange // building monocoque structures 1:1 More information on the website and on Instagram! In cooperation between Fundermax and the Technical University Vienna, a pavilion structure was erected in front of the… design studio // archXchange
design studio // STAYCATION #2 253.J86 Entwerfen // 10.0 ECTS // SS 2023 Betreuung: Silke Fischer Im Sommer 1982 fahren Carol Dunlop und Julio Cortazar mit „Fafnir“, ihrem VW Bus, von Paris nach Marseille. Die Strecke auf… design studio // STAYCATION #2
design studio // building monocoque structures 1:1 253.J92 Entwerfen // 10.0 ECTS // SS 2023 Betreuung: Duks Koschitz, Michael Wildmann Gast: Rupert Maleczek (Innsbruck) Dieses Entwerfen wird von FunderMAX gesponsort und wir werden eine Struktur oder Pavillon bauen können!… design studio // building monocoque structures 1:1
design studio // prototyping versatile space(s) 253.J93 Entwerfen // 10.0 ECTS // SS 2023 Betreuung: Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger, Marilies Wedl, Peter Bauer ‘pollution is nothing, but the resources we are not harvesting. we allow them to disperse because we’ve… design studio // prototyping versatile space(s)
design studio // self/sustain [master] 253.J94 Entwerfen // 15.0 ECTS // SS 2023 Betreuung: Daniel Schürr On the summit of Hoher Sonnblick in Salzbug Austria’s highest research station is located , where one of the world’s longest… design studio // self/sustain [master]
design studion // trespassing grounds – architecture is frozen music Poetics of Space – Architecture is frozen Music 253.I29 Entwerfen // 10.0 ECTS // SS 2022 The clear demand for what is to be created in this design work is: poetry and… design studion // trespassing grounds – architecture is frozen music
design studio // trespassing grounds – versatile spaces trespassing grounds – creating versatile spaces 253.I32 Entwerfen // 15.0 ECTS // SS 2022 Experimental development of a pavilion-like spatial structure (free-standing, lightweight building) in public space with versatile spatial and functional… design studio // trespassing grounds – versatile spaces
lva // trespassing grounds – macondo trespassing grounds – Macondo 253.I47 Entwerfen // 10.0 ECTS // SS 2022 Macondo – The settlement on the outskirts of Vienna, which is not officially called that name, is a place where… lva // trespassing grounds – macondo
design studio // trespassing grounds – Exploring the Lost EXPLORING THE LOST 253.I12 Entwerfen // 2.5 ECTS // SS 2022 The aim of Exploring the Lost is the cinematic contextualization of the phenomena of place, space and time. Our urban environment… design studio // trespassing grounds – Exploring the Lost
LVA // The space allotted 15.10 – 10.12. 2021 the orphaned space samuel beckett’s parable ‘the orphan’ (le dépeupleur) forms the basis for this impromptu project. elementary statements are to be transformed interpretatively into a prosaic… LVA // The space allotted
Entwerfen // Staycation 1:1 kanalWAL Sorry, this entry is only available in German. Instagram Facebook Book STAYCATION // kanalWAL S T A Y C A T I O N // kanalWAL Donaukanal, Höhe Rotundenbrücke, 1020 Wien… Entwerfen // Staycation 1:1 kanalWAL