Lecture Wolfgang Feyferlik and Susanne Fritzer – Feyferlik/Fritzer
(X:) > 000-proj >
Wolfgang Feyferlik (architecture studies at the TU Graz until 1985) and Susanne Fritzer (architecture studies at the TU Graz until 1994) founded the office Feyferlik | Fritzer in 1994.
Among the most important joint projects are the renovation and adaptation of the Basilica and the Geistliches Haus in Mariazell (1992-2018), the new construction of the elementary school and sports club in Bad Blumau (2006-2010) and the new construction and reconstruction of the elementary school Dorf in Lauterach (2012-2018). Numerous projects have repeatedly been awarded the ZV Austria Building Award and nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award. For the Mariazell project, Feyferlik | Fritzer was awarded the Architecture Prize of the Province of Styria in 2019. In 2013, VS Bad Blumau received the Better Learning Worlds Award; in 2019, VS Dorf Lauterach was awarded the State Prize for Architecture and Sustainability.
Feyferlik | Fritzer taught, among others, at the TU Graz, at the RWTH Aachen, at the TU Innsbruck and currently at the TU Vienna, at the Research Department Structural Engineering – Construction and Design.
More info: https://www.nextroom.at/actor.php?id=19978
Monday, 27.06.2022 19h00
HS7, Schütte-Lihotzky
Staircase 7
Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna
Feyferlik / Fritzer – (X:) > 000-proj > from HB2 MediaLab on Vimeo.