trespassing grounds – superimposition
253.I33 Entwerfen // 15.0 ECTS // SS 2022
In this course, the contents of the bachelor’s program and the studios and the competencies acquired from them are combined to form complex architectural tasks. The course teaches the ability to understand architecture as a process in which the prerequisites and goals of a design task are processed architecturally and in terms of urban development. A design is developed on the basis of a creative concept as well as taking into account social, spatial, constructive and technical requirements.
The concrete theme of the design is an examination of the Vienna Ringstrasse, which is to lead from the urban history to the socio-political role of the site to a new architectural intervention.
The search for a suitable building site is an integral part of the design task.
Commercial-free spaces, a building structure for all people, the interweaving with the adjacent urban space as well as the creation of attractive outdoor spaces are to define a functional direction.